Monday, May 21, 2012

A Study in Pink

Sometimes I like to pretend I'm one of those hard-A, sharp, tough girls who can keep up with the boys--but don't ever be fooled by those antics. I am girly through and through! And as a girl, I love all things pink.

Pink dresses, and pink tights, and pink birthday cake, and pink nail polish, and pink rosebuds on china teacups, and pink lipstick, and OMG HELLO KITTY. 

Except for this Hello Kitty looks like she's flipping us off... but I digress...

To liven up my look for summer, I knew I wanted to include a lot of pink.  Think Katy Perry--NO, Nicki Minaj. Oh yeah. 

First thing I knew I needed was a fantastic hot-Barbie pink lipstick.  My lips are the focal point of my face, so I'm all about bright color!  I ordered this product in "Anime". Come on, the color is called "Anime." It's long lasting, matte, and most importantly, super saturated with color--perfect for summer! 

So some time ago I saw an article or two that mentioned a new popular runway model named Charlotte Free.  You guys. She has pink hair.  My pink-loving, hipster heart went all pitter-patter! 

Right around the same time, this post showed up on The Beauty Department and I knew it was meant to be.  I found a way to (very) temporarily try out some rosy colored locks using this stuff called Davine's Alchemic  "Red" color conditioner.  It's meant to intensify redheads' color, but when used on people with lighter tones of hair, it turns out pink!  And it comes out in a couple shampoos to boot! Needless to say, I ordered the stuff right away.

I'm a little embarrassed to post this whole processes.  Heck, I was embarrassed taking the pictures of this whole process because A) my camera sucks and secondly, no one even reads this blog.  Well, here it goes...

This is my natural hair color.  I kind of have an ombre thing going on, so I knew the pink would be brightest at my tips. Okay by me!

Obviously I was super stoked to try it out. 

Here's how it works: You shampoo your hair like normal, get out, towel dry your hair, and load the stuff on.  

It definitely dyed my hands, but it came off after 5 or so washes. Another testament as to how temporary this stuff really is.

Anydangways, you just leave it in for 5 to 8 minutes (I did 15--eee!), rinse it out till the water runs clear, and voila!  Gorgeous!

Now you all (aka nobody) can commence with lolzing all over yourselves over my emo, self-shot, shoddily edited pictures!

But come on, even I gotta admit I look pretty cool.

My biggest complaint with this product is that it doesn't distribute very evenly.  Sometimes I felt like a had a weird band of color over one part of my hair and then almost nothing underneath.  I went back to touch up places that really bothered me and it was fine, but even then, it's more of a marbled look.  Which is fine!  It just depends what you're going for I guess.

And check out this magnificent lip color! (and not the blackheads on my nose.)

Honestly, I'm in love with it.  I think I was born to have pink hair.  Much to the chagrin of my mother, I think I'm going to take the plunge and dye it on a more permanent basis!  What the hey!  I'm twenty-one!  I figure now is the best time to do something like this!  What is it that the kids are saying nowadays?  YOFO, FROYO?? I have no idea. 

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