Friday, May 11, 2012

Welcome Summer

Here: have this.  It's your new summer theme song. You're welcome.

This summer I am 21 years old.  I don't know what it was about turning 21, but all of the sudden I feel... blossomed?  Like I finally arrived to my own party.  Perhaps that's a stereotypical 21 feeling, but it's all very sudden and new to me!

As a result, I refuse to let the sticky summer months idle by uselessly!  I've got plans.

I don't really have plans.  But I've got this wonderful blossomy feeling that makes me want to make plans--magical summer plans!

Here's what I've been day-dreaming about in class for several weeks now.

This summer, I want to:

1. Create a brilliant summer playlist.

2. Do somethin crazy and fun with my hair.

3. Organize and beautify my closet, drawers, etc.  Like, Martha Stewart status.

4. Take a spontaneous road trip somewhere beautiful and mountainous.

5. Throw a magnificent dinner party for a choice group of friends, preferably outside and with hanging lights.

6. Go to the lake often and sharpen my wakeboarding skills.

(Yeah that's me)

8. Write lots of poetry, and even some music.

9. Try many new recipes and eat cleanly

10. Go out dancing with my girlfriends--somewhere where I'll need to show my I.D.!

11. Attend many, many concerts.

Alright everybody.  Take a walk.

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